Thursday, January 25, 2007

Valentine Postings

Some are on the Etsy site some are up and coming...I am getting all of the infant and toddler clothing ready for summer. So be on the lookout. My new version has wider leg this year!

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Greyson's Birthday

We can't belive he is 10 already! Jane did take centerstage though, dancing for us in her angel wings. Or as she would call them....flutterflies....

Friday, January 19, 2007

What to call the new style of bib?

It has to have a catchey name.....hmmm.... Convertible Bib? Who knows it is late and I will list them tomorrow in the shop.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Advertising Etsy

Great aritcle in the New York TImes. Enjoy! Just copy and Paste.

I created late into the night to debut my new labels!

Here are the new labels created by Emily did an awsome job didn't she! My newly trademarked Mop it Up! Burp & Bum Rags(tm) will be in the shop by tomorrow at the latest! Enjoy your day everyone...The kids are out of school for the 3rd day in a row! It will be like a vacation when they go back! Jen

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Creative Clutter????

or just clutter?

New etsy posts today

Well, I fianlly got around to taking a few pictures is my least favorite thing to do, Probably cause I am not very good at it. Is the black background to harsh? What do you think? These a few of my favorites!

Tuesday, January 16, 2007


When I was a kid I used to dream of snow days! But that was Wisconsin and it had to be a major blizzard before anything happened. It is 25 years later...I'm living in Portland, OR, the city is about to shut down and the kids are out playing in 2 inches of snow! Oh what fun!

Monday, January 15, 2007

Hi everyone and welcome to my new web blog. I am a total amature at this so please excuse the simplicity. Hopefully as time goes on I will get the hang of this technology! That just totally shows my age...under 40 but over 35...Did anyone guess that? Please check out my online shop for some funky & hip baby stuff. Just because you have a kid dosen't mean you have to sacrafice style!!

PS. If anyone hase some helpful hints feel free to post them!